張榮發接班布局 57金錢爆:張榮發接班布局(1/6) 20090610 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw1wnt5eT04&feature=related You are rich and famous son, you have no way to find your only true love woman, you must either live the poorest simplest life style like "Pilgrim"; or you have to see your rich and famous like Shit that Chinese called "Fun.Tool", to spend all you money 長灘島whatever you like, not ever to involve any formed power money sex run, not mention to commit the crime of marriage lie. --------------------------------------------------------------- 57金錢爆:張榮發接班布局(2/6) 20090610http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyvCPz2IUqc&NR=1 Air plain is a fak 長灘島 e bird, it is a lie, you must not make living at lie, not mention to get any profit out of that lie. That how your military my fly to give you a free ride, you must not tool that lie to meet your lie down. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 57金錢爆:張榮發接班布局(4/6) 2009 買屋0610http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7_OA8D5Q-s&NR=1 If you want to keep your democratic form, you must always meet China Communist in front of HongKong law (Why I can post my comment in Mainland China web site, you must not go to Mainland China to talk? Because I don't have power money sex evil mind, therefore, no one can get 酒店工作any room to slave or slaved. That how you can go to Mainland China only when your entire Taiwan is real Communist form, no one can have stick or path to commit money power sex to corrupt.), you must not ever go to China Communist to dragon them down (Because Capitalism is a lie, no way to help any honest Communist to be better but dragon them down, 小型辦公室that how the western committed the crime to do whatever it taken to force Mainland China to let them in. You are Chinese root, you must not corrupt your own root. You must listen to my advise, meet Mainland Chinese Communist member in HongKong, you want to go to Mainland China, you have to show you can build better Communist than Mainland China first.) , because Communist 買房子 place has no good business or political mankind, mankind cannot have room to be respected in any way, that consequence you dragon down your own Chinese into "Inn.Sheng.Young.Swine" deep dark lie, because fake man is plain lie, you have no way to have their ears and eyes to see your light. If you want to have any direct connection with Mainland China, your entire Taiwan must have to becom 賣屋e Taiwan Communist first, that means in Taiwan, every man must have to work for farmer free of charge, farmer is the master of your Taiwan, farmer must feed your military force, your military force must have to help your farmer to get tool and land, man who is not in military uniform, not in farmer field, must all either work for farmer or military free of charge. Woman wants to work must have to show she's 澎湖民宿an absolute pure virgin light. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------57金錢爆:張榮發接班布局(6/6) 20090610http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krbfzfflafs&feature=related You do business, must either because you like that game, or because you care your customers, therefore, you must not ever bothered by anyone who can do better than you to get into that field to play that match for you. It i 室內設計s when those weak sick wicked fake man evil doer liar get into that field to lie to get hired and high, you must not afford to keep seeing business like usual, you have to bring your fire arms to kill along your business rule, or you have to form Communist to show you really like that game or care, nothing to do with money chain.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣屋  .

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